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Page 27

  She then placed her hands on Victoria’s forehead and began to speak in a language that none of them had ever heard. As she did, her hands began to glow a blue hue. Serenity watched as Victoria’s color started coming back, her breathing became more normal, and her eyes began to flutter open.

  “Well, thank you, Lada. That helped out a lot!”

  Serenity looked up at the others on the patio, and they each had the same surprised and inquisitive expression on their faces as she figured was on hers.

  Lada stood up as a big, satisfied child’s grin broke across her face. She didn’t walk back toward Tanisha, though. As she stood up, she began to walk toward the door leading out into the lawn.

  “No, Lada, you need to come with me.”

  She looked at Tanisha and crossed her arms and shook her head, “We aren’t done.”


  “Uh-huh . . . me and Lano.”

  “What do you and your brother have to do?”

  The young girl got a smirk on her face, “You will see.”

  Tanisha felt Lano pull away from her grasp, and she reached out and grabbed his arm.

  “No! You can’t go out and play right now. Zarius is doing something really important out there.”

  “Yep,” Lada nodded, “we know.”

  Eve stepped in front of her and knelt down to where they were eye level with each other.

  “Hey, I know you and your brother want to help, but we need to make sure you both are safe . . . and out there,” the Vapor pointed in the direction of Zarius, “is not safe right now; there are some bad creatures out there.”

  “We’ve already been around bad creatures.”

  Her voice was young but firm in wisdom. Her tone and matter-of-factness actually took Eve back for a moment.

  “I can’t let you go out there, Sweetheart,” the Nephelium stated.

  “You will, though.”

  Eve looked up at the rest of the team for some help in dealing with the obstinate, little girl, but each of them were looking back at her with a helpless expression.

  The twins took each other by the hand; and as they did, energy began to spark around them. Electrical fingers of blue lightning crackled and reached out to touch anything that was metal. Chad quickly stepped away from the guns next to where he kneeled.

  “Yeah . . . so that is happening,” he yelped as he got the twinge of a shock.

  The scene unfolding in front of them had taken their attention away from what was taking place out in the lawn. Zarius had stopped and knelt down with his backpack in front of him. He took his time unzipping it as he scanned the area.

  “I know you are out there, Brother!”

  Silence. There was no response from the shadows, but he could feel a stirring. He was strategically hoping that the Nephelium fighting in the front of Eden would start seeing their attackers backing off and vanishing. Once Legion and Michael caught wind of what he was doing, they would surely move all assets to where he was.

  “Michael! You want it? Then here you go!”

  He reached into the backpack and removed the delta. He placed it in front of him and stepped backward. There it was. He knew his brother too well. It wasn’t much, but there was a rush of wind that came through the trees. It knocked snow off the branches, and the tops of the trees swayed back and forth.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  The trees around the clearing began to fill with huge numbers of ravens. Zarius stood smiling.

  “Beautiful! Not only Michael, but our infamous Legion is joining us,” he whispered to himself.

  He hoped he looked confident and strong, because Zarius really was flying by the seat of his pants. There was no way, that he could determine, they would be able to match up against Legion. He was hoping that an opportunity would reveal itself; but if all else failed, there was always the chance of offering up the delta. Sure, that was risky and dangerous, but there was also something to be said about living to fight another day.

  “Of course, I am not stupid, Brother,” Michael calmly stated as he stepped out from the wood line.

  Legion was walking to his left.

  “That is still debatable, Michael.”

  “To those who still debate it, I have nothing to say. I, for ages, have been able to maintain my cover, all the while preparing the full universe for this moment.”

  “What moment is that?” Zarius asked as he kept a wary eye on both men as they walked closer.

  “Leah and Zarius,” squawked the voice of the squad leader for the Nephelium who had been fighting in the front of Eden, “do you all need us back with you? Not sure what is going on, but we have no more activity up here.”

  “No,” Leah responded, “maintain your positions!”

  She looked out toward Zarius, and he placed his hand behind his back with the thumbs up. She figured that was what he was wanting.

  The delta lay in the snow a few feet in front of the Vapor, and the other two had quickly closed the gap between them and it.

  Zarius stayed alert. He was relying on the premise that his brother did not fully trust him and so wouldn’t go directly for the delta. Even though he would not be able to do much to stop him if he or Legion did decide to bolt for it, he hoped that the distrust would keep them from doing so. So far, it seemed to be working.

  Michael looked at the delta, his brother, and then to the team that was hunkered down inside the patio area. He knew Zarius had something planned, but what it was he couldn’t figure out.

  “So, shall we cut to the chase, Brother, and you just lay it out for me? What are we doing here?”

  “Michael, it is just a brotherly fight. That is all, right?”

  “Hmm . . . yeah, pretty sure we both know this is more than that.”

  Zarius reached into his pocket.

  “Well, then how about a game?”

  “You keep your loaded dice in your pocket. No reason for them to be used here. I will not play, especially when we obviously have the upper hand.”

  “Do you?”

  Michael didn’t like the smug look on his brother’s face. He rarely questioned himself, but he knew his brother was always strategizing; and that unnerved him a little.

  Legion stood with his legs slightly spread, arms crossed. As he stood watching the brother’s squabble, he was startled by a voice that began to whisper to him.

  “You have the chance to step out of all of this, stop all of this now, and just walk away.”

  He shook his head slightly as he looked around. Where was the voice coming from?

  “Legion, what if the prophecy spoke to your rise as one who stepped away from all of this and brought unity to both sides?”

  “Shut up!” he seethed.

  Michael turned slightly, “Excuse me?”

  “Not you! I’m telling her to shut up!”


  Legion looked around in confusion.

  “There is a voice inside my head!”

  Michael smiled at the Demon’s confusion. He turned back to Zarius.

  “Seems that you do, indeed, have something up your sleeve. Where is the girl?”

  The Vapor had no idea what the two were talking about, but he played along.

  “Our business is what is in front of us. Anything and anyone else are not of either of our concern at this moment.”

  Leah could hear some of what was being discussed. As she watched Legion’s reaction, she turned and looked over in the direction of Victoria. She was standing with her eyes closed, and her fingertips were touching the temples of her forehead.


  The teenager shook her head, ignoring Leah’s inquiry; but it was enough for the Vapor to understand that she was using her connection to the son of Hecate.

  “Whatever you are saying, keep at it. It is confusing him.”

  “Leah!” Tanisha yelled to her as she tried to push past the Vapor toward the archway.

  Leah turned and saw the cause for panic in her voice as the t
wins, still holding hands, stepped quickly out together and started walking in the direction of Zarius.

  “Tanisha! No! Don’t go out there!”

  She was able to reach out and pull Zarius’ wife back quickly.

  “The children, Leah!”

  “I understand, but we can’t have you going out there, also!”

  She pulled her back further, and then the Vapor made her way to the doorway and called out to the children. Neither of them acknowledged her instructions to return and were now only a few feet behind Zarius.

  He heard the commotion behind him and watched as both Legion and Michael’s attention was taken away from their conversation and to the commotion. He took a risk and turned enough to see what was happening. Nothing was more shocking to him than to see Lano and Lada almost in arm’s reach.

  “Go back, you two!”

  The closer the twins got, the more Legion felt an uneasiness that he couldn’t explain.

  “Run back to Mommy, children!” he hissed.

  “We aren’t scared of you!” Lada yelled out in her young voice.

  “You killed our Mommy!” Lano followed up.

  “Well, that is awkward,” Michael laughed. “Zarius, is this your plan . . . to use children to mock us and run us away? Is this how far you have fallen as a mighty warrior?”

  “Lano! Lada! Get back!”

  The twins refused to listen and soon were standing side-by-side with Zarius. They each took a hand. Lada looked up, her young, beautiful face set with childlike stubbornness.

  “We are here to help.”

  “Leah,” Zarius activated his comm, “what are they doing out here?”

  “I don’t know. Unless you want one of us to come out and get them, I guess you are going to have to get them to come back to us.”

  Tanisha was done waiting. She would not watch the children be slaughtered in a battle between good and evil. She seized the moment of Leah’s divided attention and rushed out toward her husband and the twins. The former Alliance leader was unable to grab her quickly enough this time. In a flash, she was standing behind her husband, who clearly was showing irritation in the ever-building team that was standing with him.

  “Well, hello, Sister,” Michael mocked his sister-in-law. “I guess this is a huge family reunion . . . well, except for the young ones here who seem to have no family.”

  “Michael, I have nothing to say to you,” she spat.

  She reached down and tried to take the children’s hands, but both refused to let go of Zarius.

  “NO!” they both yelled out in stubborn unison.


  Michael saw that both Tanisha and Zarius were focused on the children, and he also was fairly certain that the two adults were not going to jeopardize the safety of them. Without another thought, he motioned for Legion to move forward and secure the delta.

  The Demon, in a blur of activity, divided himself. A portion of him remained standing where he had been beside Michael. The divided segment of Legion rushed toward the delta. He felt his fingers wrap around it; but as he did so, a burning sensation rushed through him. He screamed out in agony as he looked up in shock and surprise. There wasn’t a single individual within visual range that didn’t find themselves in combined shock.

  The twins had remained focused on the subject of their fury. As Legion rushed forward, they both quickly let go of Zarius and joined hands in front of the Vapor. Once Legion reached the delta, the energy they had displayed before began to crackle around them. They reached outward toward the delta and Legion with their free hands. Radiant light shot outward and created an electrical display that reached skyward, as well as straight out in front. The light display hit the delta the same time that Legion’s fingers touched it. He shot backward, howling in pain.

  This was not the only thing that had shocked everyone. As Legion was knocked backward, the delta lit up. Fingers of electricity shot out in numerous directions, attacking the ravens that were perched in the treetops and connecting with the other segment of Legion remaining beside Michael. The smell of burning feathers and flesh punched the air and nostrils of those close to the delta.

  The energy wave created rocked all of them, except for the children. Lada’s long, blond locks were flailing around from the electrical current in the air, and both of the twins’ eyes were radiant with blue light.

  Michael recovered, and his angelic wings unfurled as he launched himself into the air. He kept himself elevated, dodging spikes of energy. The surprise attack from the children left Legion writhing in pain and more bodies of dead birds lying around. The demonic entity made his way back to his feet, his fists clenched as he suddenly went back on the offense. The delta had been a target for him, but the kids had quickly been moved to the top of that list.

  He rushed toward them as he took several more hits from bolts of brightly burning energy. He gritted his teeth and leaped through the air. As he did so, a barrage of ravens pulled away from him and flew at the twins. Both of the children stood steadfast, but Tanisha could see they were unaware of the attack that had been unleashed on them. She dove in front of them to shield them. The energy coming off the twins radiated through her, but she felt no pain from it.

  The ravens attacked her, digging into her skin, clawing at her face, and ripping chunks of hair from her head. As she screamed out in pain, Zarius’ massive hands grabbed around several of the fowl attackers. Quickly he was able to snap their bodies into a lifeless lump of flesh and feathers. He then grabbed his wife.

  Sounds of gunfire erupted, and he felt the whiz of bullets as Leah led the team out from their protective position. She knew this was it. This was going to be ground zero for victory or defeat; and no one would say that they stood by, allowing the Fallen to rise to power without a fight.

  Michael flew at Zarius and knocked his brother away from Tanisha. Tanisha’s body fell out of her husband’s grasp. Blood poured down her face, and her arms were covered in deep gashes.

  Legion blew past the melee and grabbed the twins, one in each arm. He slammed them to the ground, separating them. Instantly the weaponized electrical show ceased, but the fight was still on. The twins both screamed out of fear and pain as their small bodies smashed against the ground.

  Before Legion could celebrate or even contemplate his next move, he felt Chad’s boot hard against his jaw. His vision went blurry for a minute, but not enough to keep him from watching as Victoria grabbed both of the young children and pulled them out of the way.

  The Demon could not concentrate quickly enough to divide himself again in order to bring on a new onslaught. He used his arms to block off more blows from Chad but then quickly felt a heavy blow against the back of his head. Serenity was determined to make sure that Chad didn’t get all the fun.

  Legion struggled to get up. He was able to block each blow as he tried to crawl away, attempting to bring enough focus to change the course of the fight. If he could concentrate enough, he would swarm this small battlefield in a bloodbath.

  He rolled to his left, finding his footing again. He stood up, and a quick front kick to Chad’s midsection sent the Mortal flying backward.

  As Legion scanned the immediate area of the battlefield, he observed something that changed his whole thought process: he observed Victoria protecting the kids as the fight took place around them. The twins were kneeling down, one on either side of her. He smiled as he watched the once-Mortal wield power that had been reserved only for him for ages. This was not what made him stop in his tracks, though.

  His eyes had quickly caught a gleam off something hanging around Lano’s neck. He was unable to look closer as Isaiah came flying through the air in full Nephelium glory. Wings outstretched, his muscles rippled in full anticipation of his strike on Legion. The son of Hecate attempted to move to avoid the attack, but was unable to move quickly enough. The full impact of the attack drove him to the ground as Isaiah unleashed pent-up anger into every blow. Legion felt every powerful strike a
nd returned each one with a fury.

  Leah fought off several other demonic minions that had exited the wood line after watching the attack begin. She was knocked backward. As she attempted to regain her balance, she tripped over Isaiah and Legion. She was able to roll out of the fall, and she quickly felt a hand around her left bicep, pulling her back to her feet. She looked and nodded her gratefulness to Eve as she caught sight of her helping her get back in the fight.

  She looked around for the knife she had before she fell and saw it lying on the ground. She quickly went to retrieve it, but was unable to do so in time. It was as if things were in slow motion. She watched as Isaiah gave blow after blow into Legion’s face. Legion twisted and turned, attempting to block the blows as he gave some in return. He grasped at the ground, trying to find enough traction to pull himself back up. As he did, his fingers felt the hilt of the knife that Leah had just found.

  “Isaiah!” Leah screamed out; but in the loud commotion, her voice was drowned out.

  She leaped for Legion’s hand, but missed. She felt the blade slip through her hands and felt the skin split open as the sharp metal went through her hands. Leah wasted no time in worrying about the wound but immediately grabbed at Legion’s wrist. His wrist was wet from the snow and blood, so she was unable to maintain a grip on it. She screamed out again as Isaiah looked up. His eyes were locked on her as Legion plunged the blade deeply into the Nephelium’s chest cavity.

  Isaiah was caught off guard, but the pain and outpouring of blood quickly brought him to reality. He grasped at the blade and attempted to pull away from Legion, but the Demon had a strong, supernatural grip on it. The world began to spin, and the sound of the fighting began to fade. He looked back at Leah who was lying on the ground in shock. He could feel blood filling his lungs and could taste it as he began to cough it up. A strong light appeared behind Leah, and Isaiah looked up to see his young daughter standing behind the Vapor. He reached out to her, but she did not return the gesture. She stood with tears streaming down her face.

  “Daddy, it will be ok.”

  “I’m coming to see you, Sweetheart . . . you and Mommy.”